Okay, these aren't technically sponsors. They are sites that I am signed up with and earn money or incentive points from. The ONLY sites that will be listed here are sites that I think have merit and have been proven not to be scams. Please follow the given links and enter the information listed as so I can get the credit for you joining up. Thanks. :)

This is probably the best of the "pay to surf" programs. The monthly payout is flexible, depending on monthly ad revenue, but the pay out in September was $.54 an hour. But the best part is that it has an unlimited ceiling for hours. In theory, if you surf 40 hours a week, for 4 weeks, you get 160 hours of credit of $86.40. Just for you, with no downline sign ups. Add a few downline sign ups, and your totals skyrocket. Sign up now, make a ton of money.
Make Cash on the Net

Moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney. You gotta love the net. UtopiAD is like Spedia.net. Unlimited hours a month. If all you do is surf 5 hours a day with no referals, you will make $36.00 a month. Check it out, play with the calculator and see what you can make in a month. Follow the link and make us both some money.

This is one of my favorites. You receive incentive points by touring web sites and trying out special offers. You can rack of a lot of points without spending any money, and with minimal money you can rack up even more points. The points can be redeemed for gift certificates in a wide range of areas, including food or mega stores.
Join the MyPoints Program. Earn
free rewards!

There are many "get paid to surf" sites out there. This is one of my favorites. AllAdvantage.com currently limits you to 25 hours a month, and pays $.50 an hour ($12.50 a month and more potentially if you refer friends). If you surf like I do, you can fill up your 25 hours in less than a week.

Join AllAdvantage.com

GotoWorld.com is similar to AllAdvantage.com. They pay you to surf the net. Up to 40 hours a month for a total of $16.00 (more potentially if you refer your friends)

ePIPO.com is another "pay to surf" program. The program hasn't gone online yet, but you can sign up and refer your friends to get a jump on it when it goes active.

ValuePay.com is the last of the "pay to surf" offers that I am currently hooked up with. Like ePIPO.com, they haven't gone active yet, but they are signing up members getting ready for the unveiling.

itAlladdsUp.com. They haven't gone online yet, but are taking sign ups. 60 hours a month at $.50 an hour. 30 bucks a month, plus whatever you sign up in your downline. Give us both a little shot in the wallet and sign up for this one. :)
Join Itadsup.com

Cashmap.com is a combination of a points program like MyPoints and cash incentive like AllAdvantage.com. Check it out. Make some cash and earn some gift certificates.

Keep checking back here every so often. As I find new and lucrative offers from the web I'll be posting them here for you to take advantage of.

I don't have a graphic for this site yet (you'd think a master graphics designer could do that easily, wouldn't ya?) but here is the link. This is a site the I am running that sells movies. Great movies. DVD and VHS. Classics, Cult Classics, Comedies, Action, Adventure, Romance, Children (you get the point). Follow this link, buy a movie, I make a small commission.
WildKarma's World of Motion Pictures

Keep checking back here every so often. As I find new and lucrative offers from the web I'll be posting them here for you to take advantage of.

Thanks for your support
Sam Weikel
CEO Nuclear Winter Graphics and Design